Monday, January 2, 2012

Setting up a Donation Station

     Today, I embarked upon day 2 of decluttering my life.  I checked the calendar. Another easy, cheap and quick task: create a donation station.  I could do this in five minutes.  I grabbed a laundry basket and put it in the laundry room.  I pulled out my trusty label maker and marked it Goodwill.  Done! Now I could cross another task off my list. 
     But of course that was too easy.  About an hour later my husband told me it was in the way and to put it somewhere else.  Naturally when you have two retired people in the same home, conflicts  will arise. I wanted it where I would see it.  He wanted it out of sight (and out of mind).  Finally we agreed on the den coat closet. Out of sight but constantly being used.  Okay now I am finished.   Nope, a few minutes later, my almost OCD husband comes in and asks for the plan for taking the "stuff" to Goodwill.  ADHD me paused and said when it gets full.  Of course discussion ensued.  My husband knows me well.  I am full of good intentions.  "Are you going to take the basket? How often?  OK, OK, I guess I need to come up with plan.  So after much thought, and a few Hallmark movies, I came up with a plan. For the time being, I would continue with my laundry basket and line it with a black garbage bag. The bag is big enough for the basket.  When the basket is full, which means the garbage bag is about half full, I will take it to Goodwill.
     I would like to say that he would take it but he believes in just throwing unwanted stuff away. If you want to score just come by my house on a Tuesday after he has cleaned out a space. When we moved he put a 6 month old exercise bike,antique toys and some wedding silver on the curb because no one seemed to use them. I am just the opposite, I have an emotional attachment to everything. Will I use it?  who gave it to me?  Can I repurpose it?  Can I regift it? So when I do finally decide to get rid of something it is a big deal. 
     Now day 2 is done and it should work for now until I come up with a more permanent solution.

Tomorrow: Declutter the top of your cabinets and dust.
Wednesday: Declutter the top shelf of one of your cabinets
Thursday: Go through your spices and discard those that are old and out of date
Friday: Put all of your cans together on a can shelf or shelves.
Saturday: Go through your freezer and discard old freezer burned food

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